D&S Welcomes Dave Bogenpohl to FSS

Whether you’re an experienced professional in the car wash industry, or a brand-new investor, D&S Car Wash Supply’s Field Sales & Service Division is your one-stop shop for car wash Equipment, Chemicals, Parts, Planning, and Support. With over 50 years of industry experience at the helm between Field Sales & Service President Bill Hoaglin and Regional Outside Sales Manager Dave Bogenpohl they are here to support your business in any way that they can.

Dave Bogenpohl in particular, a student of the industry for nearly 30 years, has lent his capable hands to countless car wash projects across the country. Coupled with such valuable field & customer service experience under his belt, Bogenpohl’s true passion lies within his readiness to help and become a true partner for success. “The two most satisfying things for me in the industry are taking someone’s ideas, dreams, or goals of owning a successful car wash and making it a reality. Also, the personal relationships that are built – we don’t just sell someone a car wash, but put them in business and become a partner in their success.” Bogenpohl explained further, with a personal point of pride being “driving around our 8-state region seeing all of the car washes that I was involved in building or a part of.”

Bogenpohl’s career in the car wash industry spans almost 30 years, starting with his role as a tech in 1993. Fast forward 20 years to 2013, and Bogenpohl opened the doors of his own company: Mid-States Car Wash Solutions. When asked about the current state of the industry in 2023, Bogenpohl responded: “It’s very interesting to see the changes currently going on in our industry…I’ve seen more changes in the last 3 years than I did in the 10 previous to that.”

With the car wash industry poised to continue its growth and evolution, it’s important to have an experienced partner on your side who’s seen a thing or two. Whether you’re a seasoned car wash aficionado, or just starting your journey in the industry for the first time, Bogenpohl’s expertise and that of FSS as a whole can help you and your business navigate it with success!